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Successful selling in oil and gas: 3 best practices and how XI Technologies can help

November 2, 2016 4:09 AM
XI Technologies

Leverage your past successes

Broadly speaking, the more you know the better off you will be. But more specifically, if your company helped an operator drill a successful well, wouldn’t it be nice to also know whether or not there were partners working with the operator and who they are? Those partners might not be aware of your company’s quality work. By learning this information, deciding on who to target for future work becomes that much easier.

XI Technologies’ AssetBook can help your company identify these opportunities. Doing so enables you to leverage your past success and showcase to prospective clients the successful wells on which you worked.

With XI’s OffsetAnalyst, you can also analyze offsets and create reports that highlight optimal performance. With this knowledge, you can better approach past, present, and future operators in the regions you handle best. XI’s OffsetAnalyst product also helps users scope keys areas, quickly identify current/potential players, and get a detailed drilling history on the region.

Knowledge is power

Information in many ways is the most valuable commodity that companies can leverage for success. Furthermore, obtaining better information can often be the critical factor in winning competitive bids. Information in general is in no short supply, but quality information, now that is a different story.

By using XI’s Offset Analyst, connected to the TourXchange, to dissect area offsets, you can identify inefficiencies your company can solve, and optimization your company can then introduce. This dataset was not available in digital form until companies agreed to share with XI.  Now XI has digital tours on over 150,000 wells that allow new efficiencies in research.

Developing strong relationships

In our increasingly digital world, there still a exists a premium on strong inter-personal relationships. Developing client relations to the point where both parties feel a strong connection, however is no easy task. For the people that manage to do so, this ultimately translates for them into a higher degree of certainty for maintaining and building upon working relationships. In the absence of a strong connection, research is key.

“Do your due diligence. Show clients you care enough to take the time to know them and their needs, and this will help you develop strong relationships which are so crucial” says Andy Newsome, XI’s Vice President of Drilling Services.

By using XI’s Offset Analyst to get to know their drilling history, the wells they drill, the equipment they use, this enables people to dig deeper. Predicting the next drill by mining the well license data will give you a head start in the process.

“Offset Analyst can help identify painpoints, do the research and dig into their drill history to find a problem that you can solve,” contiues Mr. Newsome, adding “AssetBook also enables users to learn about a prospective client’s core areas, their partners, their key interests, and their latest activity.  All of this helps you start off on the right foot with your prospective client.”

Click here for more information on each of XI Technologies products.

About XI Technologies

XI Technologies is focused on helping you effectively interpret data to make the best decisions possible. XI provides essential software tools for critical research in A&D, drilling, and regulatory reporting in Western Canada. Since 1994, XI has been a trusted provider of powerful research tools for the energy industry. Let us show you how you can get the most out of your data. With the right tools, you’re on your way to faster, well-informed, more confident decisions.

Whether you’re interested in acquisitions or divestitures, well planning and offset research, regulatory and licensing, or drilling benchmarking and performance analysis, XI has the software you need to make faster, better informed decisions.

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